Describe someone who has had an important influence on your life.

Honestly there are many people who inspired me, they have big effect on my life all the time. But there is someone who is really special for me. His help make my life much better, shaping my future in the right way. His name is Asep Hamdi. Most people calls him Asep while I call him Bang Hamdi. We have grown up at the same place and we always played together when we were child even though he is 4 years older than me. 
Now he is a teacher and teach quite a few subjects at formal and informal school.

After graduating from Vocational High School, I had no idea about what to do. I lost my way. I just became an opportunist that had no dream, just did something that maintained my life to go on continously. But He gave me valuable advice which He forced me to continue my study because I was smart and had a great opportunity to be the better one although I had no money to take a course, to buy preparation books or to pay the registration fees. He gave me his books, told me beneficial information of shcolarship and spent his time to teach me without thinking I could re-pay it. So I promised to my self, I had to pass the examination (SBMPTN) to take my dream major (sharia banking) which was the hardest major to get after medicine in UIN Jakarta. Finally, unbelievable, I made it come true now and I even achieved the highest GPA there.

His helps boosted my confidence and this has helped me too this day.

I am sure he will be the one of great leaders for the place where he lives and for land, the nation we love most, but he has to know, there is the one who will be the best competitor that cannot be beaten by him. It is me, a man who represent golden generation who change our nation became far better haha.
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